H&S at workplace
o Electrical Safety
o Fire safety
o Chemical safety
o Height work safety
o Workplace hygiene
o Machinery safety
o Housekeeping and 5S implementation
o Scaffolding safety
o Defensive Driving

Core Elements of H&S
o ISO 45001:2018 compliance at workplace
o Risk Assessment (HIRA)
o Job safety analysis & Permit to work system
o Incident investigation
o Internal audit
o Pandemic Handling
o First aid
o Fire fighting
o Mock drill
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Lifting & Rigging safety
o Structural erection safety
o Crane operator and rigging safety
Environment & Sustainability
o Climate Change: From learning to action
o Indicators for inclusive green economy
o Waste Management
o Decarbonisation of process
o UN sustainable goals for corporates
o Environment , Social governance (ESG)
Electrical Safety:
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
Fire safety:
With the increase in construction of high rise-buildings, new smart cities in plan and coming up of new industrial zones, fire safety continues to be a concern due to rise in number of fire accidents now a days. Fire safety becomes very important and requires adequate measures to reduce the possibility of fire accidents and loss. In-adequate planning of the buildings & commercial area and lack of evacuation plan and insufficient monitoring of fire protection systems leads to major fire accidents which would have been avoided by just simply following the already in place rules and regulations and by timely auditing such systems.
The catastrophic fire accidents can be well averted by being complied with national building code and by following the safety measures.
Absolute safety from fire is not attainable in practice but most fires are preventable. The safest way to deal with fire is to prevent it.
Fire safety audit in a building is an effective way to assess whether fire safety systems are in place and are in compliance with National Building Code of India which clearly stresses on fire prevention, fire protection and life safety measures.
Part 4 of National building code of India covers the requirement for fire prevention, life safety in relation to fire and fire protection of buildings. The code specifies occupancy wise classifications and protection features that are necessary to minimize the danger of life and property from fire.
Fire in a building / workplace / commercial complex, loss of precious lives and damage to property & materials can be avoided by awareness and regular fire fighting and evacuation training to the occupants.
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
Chemical safety
Chemicals play a large part in our everyday lives today. Everything from cleaning products in our homes to industrial chemicals in our workplaces contain potentially hazardous ingredients with the possibility of causing harm to users. In most jurisdictions some form of chemical safety is mandatory for employees handling dangerous goods and must be appropriate to their duties.
In a work environment, it is important to ensure your employees have adequate knowledge of the potential risks associated with chemicals to ensure safe handling and use. This can be achieved with the introduction of a Chemical Safety training programme provided to all employees who may be exposed to the hazardous chemicals. There are a number of benefits to providing Chemical Safety training in the workplace including; reducing the risk of a serious incident involving hazardous chemicals, ensuring full compliance with the relevant regulations and developing a positive health and safety culture associated with the use of chemicals and ensuring your employees feel safe and confident in their roles.
Height work safety
Working at height remains one of the biggest causes of fatalities and major injuries. Common cases include falls from roofs, ladders, and through fragile surfaces. ‘Work at height’ means work in any place where, if there were no precautions in place, a person could fall a distance liable to cause personal injury (for example a fall through a fragile roof down an unprotected lift shaft, stairwells).
Employers need to create awareness about height work safety through trainings among their employees which deals with preventive strategies to prevent fall and control measures to minimize the consequence of fall.
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate:
Workplace hygiene
Hygiene is an important and critical part of the life of any human being. The importance of hygiene can be best understood by the fact that almost every religion on earth has preached hygiene. The benefits of hygiene are not only limited to the physical structure of a human being, it also influences some psychological behaviors. It creates self-confidence, boosts morale and uplifts the self-esteem of a person.
Why is hygiene so important? Why has man converted his forests and lands into cleaner roads and proper societies? The answer is simple. Hygiene is a measure of a person’s way of life. A person having good self-hygiene not only enables himself to feel comfortable in his skin but it also helps others around that person, to work in comfort. A person with good values will never ignore his personal hygiene.
Every workplace has its norms and policies. Cleanliness and personal hygiene are always part of these norms and policies. All businesses have a dress code. This dress code is a part of the self-hygiene of employees. Maintaining proper hygiene at the workplace is very important for the good reputation of businesses. Both the official authorities and the employees need to take care of hygiene. No boss would want a dirty person to represent his company in the market or in front of the public. Similarly, no employee would want to work in a firm with dirty restrooms, cubicles, and the environment. The contribution of both parties is essential for the good reputation of the firm.
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
Machinery safety
What is the first thing you think about when designing and/or installing an automated production system? What’s the last? It is a sad fact that the last thing may well be the first in importance, which is the safety of the machines for their human operators, together with the area in which they are situated. Whilst considerations such as cost-effectiveness and efficient production line layouts are certainly critical to the smooth performance of an automated system, more important is that it should pose no threat to human health or life.
Fatal injuries recorded by the Health and Safety Executive in the manufacturing industries averaged 22 workers per year over the past five years. The largest percentage of these were due to employees falling from a height, but the next highest percentage was due to contact with a machine. Contact with machinery is also responsible for a significant percentage of the 60,000 non-fatal injuries to workers that occurred in the 2016/7 period. In order to contain any further rise in these statistics, it is important to focus on what measures can be taken to protect both people and machines from accidental damage.
Employer may minimize the risk of machinery by creating awareness among their operator and workers.
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
Housekeeping and 5S implementation
Housekeeping in a work environment means more than just dusting off shelves or running a mop across a floor. Proper housekeeping in workplaces ensures a safe work environment, and can go a long way to making sure employees are safe and injuries are infrequent.
5S is amongst the first and fundamental steps implemented by an enterprise towards the path of implementing Total Quality Management and continuous improvement at the operation level.
5S is a process designed to organize the workplace, keep it clean, maintain effective and standard conditions. It translates to good discipline and enables individuals to maintain good work environment
The employer may avoid injuries through awareness about 5S and also improves the productivity by maintaining smooth operations.
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
Scaffolding safety
Scaffolds are widely used on site to get access to heights and areas that would be otherwise hard to get to. Unsafe scaffolds has the potential to result in death or serious injury.
It is estimated that in today’s construction industry, an incredible 2.3 million construction workers perform some type of work on scaffolds, which is roughly 65% of the construction workforce. With so many workers exposed to hazards from scaffolds, scaffold safety needs to be a priority.
There are numerous types of scaffolds, including supported, suspended, and rolling. Scaffolds are crucial in the construction industry, and save both time and money when used properly. However, there are several concerns that employers and employees alike must be aware of when erecting, working on, or disassembling any type of scaffold.
Our competent trainers may help your workers to gain in depth knowledge about the scaffold safety
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual / Live Demonstration
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
Defensive Driving
Defensive driving describes the practice of drivers who consciously reduce the dangers associated with driving. Defensive driving techniques reduce the likelihood of a collision or incident and can even save costs related to vehicle maintenance and fuel consumption, by driving smoothly and steadily.
Awareness is key to defensive driving, ensuring you are aware of potential hazards and other road users’ actions around you, enabling you to take pro-active action to avoid an incident. To enable you to anticipate hazards, look 15 seconds ahead, giving yourself time to react. Aim to always scan your mirrors and look beyond the vehicle in front as this will help you to be aware of possible hazards before it is too late.
There are various defensive driving courses available, however, for many drivers, the key habits of this driving style can be learnt just by acting more pro-actively and maintaining focus at all times, keeping yourself aware and able to pre-empt any hazards.
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual / Live Demonstration
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
ISO 45001:2018 compliance at workplace
ISO 45001:2018 specifies requirements for an occupational health and safety (OH&S) management system, and gives guidance for its use, to enable organizations to provide safe and healthy workplaces by preventing work-related injury and ill health, as well as by proactively improving its OH&S performance.
ISO 45001:2018 is applicable to any organization that wishes to establish, implement and maintain an OH&S management system to improve occupational health and safety, eliminate hazards and minimize OH&S risks (including system deficiencies), take advantage of OH&S opportunities, and address OH&S management system nonconformities associated with its activities.
We impart training to create awareness about the ISO 45001:2018 clauses and how the management system can be implemented smoothly to attain and retain the certifications.
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual / Live Demonstration
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
Risk Assessment (HIRA)
Risk assessment is a term used to describe the overall process or method where you:
• Identify hazards and risk factors that have the potential to cause harm (hazard identification).
• Analyze and evaluate the risk associated with that hazard (risk analysis, and risk evaluation).
• Determine appropriate ways to eliminate the hazard, or control the risk when the hazard cannot be eliminated (risk control).
A risk assessment is a thorough look at your workplace to identify those things, situations, processes, etc. that may cause harm, particularly to people. After identification is made, you analyze and evaluate how likely and severe the risk is. When this determination is made, you can next, decide what measures should be in place to effectively eliminate or control the harm from happening.
Why is risk assessment important?
Risk assessments are very important as they form an integral part of an occupational health and safety management plan. They help to:
• Create awareness of hazards and risk.
• Identify who may be at risk (e.g., employees, cleaners, visitors, contractors, the public, etc.).
• Determine whether a control program is required for a particular hazard.
• Determine if existing control measures are adequate or if more should be done.
• Prevent injuries or illnesses, especially when done at the design or planning stage.
• Prioritize hazards and control measures.
• Meet legal requirements where applicable.
Our training on hazard identification & risk assessment (HIRA) specific to the need of the operations helps the employer to mitiate the risk as low as reasonably practically possible.
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual / Live Demonstration
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
Job safety analysis & Permit to work system
Before developing a JSA it is essential to understand the value of a JSA. The success of a JSA is dependent on the knowledge of those performing it and their attitude and commitment to it.
It is important to note that a JSA is not a ‘personal prestart check’ or ‘permit to work’. A JSA is also not a compliance activity but it is a key step in workers protecting themselves. Keeping the JSA relevant is a challenge and all involved in the process of conducting a JSA need to have a clear understanding of its purpose.
When the JSA has been done, it can be used to tell the worker how to do the job, and is ideal for training, since it shows a worker how to do the job in the best and safest way. It also sets the standard for the job so that everyone learns to do the job in the same safe way.
The JSA can help managers and supervisors learn about the jobs to be supervised, even if they have not actually done all the jobs themselves. The JSA should be used as a checklist when doing safety inspections or audits, as it tells the auditor what should be happening on any job.
Our trainers help you to align JSA with Permit to work system such that you control human error at workplace and saves your activities from any untoward incident.
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
Incident investigation:
The prime reason for an investigation of any industrial accident is to prevent the recurrence of that accident. Simply put, finding out the causes of accidents is very helpful in controlling or eliminating such accidents in the future. To understand the causes of any accident that occurs in an organization / work site, why and how this accident happened, investigators need to gather all the facts pertaining to before and during the incident.
In order to deal with an emergency, it becomes necessary to initiate an accident investigation as well as document steps that are taken. Speed and time frame becomes very important in this whole process to make it successful.
People-centric accident prevention methodologies are increasingly gaining popularity within the HSE field. The finesse of human observation has been proven time and again as the critical factor which enables proactive safety for all.
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
Internal audit
Safety audits help you determine how effective your safety programs are, and we believe they are an essential piece of your safety management system. Safety audits can be performed internally by supervisors and employees, or by third-party auditors when you need an independent, non-biased audit of your operations.
Safety audits and inspections have been shown to reduce the number of accidents, so it is something that benefits most employers. We recommend that you be proactive with safety, rather than waiting for an accident to happen. If you lack the resources to do site inspections and audits in-house, you can outsource these services to us.
Our highly competent trainers make it lucid to conduct audit at workplace and make your business ready to face any external audits.
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
Pandemic Handling
COVID-19 spread is emotionally challenging for many people, changing day-to-day life in unprecedented ways. All sections of society – including employers and employees – should play a role to protect themselves and each other and help prevent further spread of the disease. WHO is providing advice and updated information on COVID-19, and on how employers can protect their employees, what measures they should take in the workplace and other related factors. Our team collate all such guidelines such that we may create awareness about handling of pandemics.
Social stigma in the context of health is the negative association between a person or group of people who share certain characteristics and a specific disease. In an outbreak, this may mean people are labelled, stereotyped, discriminated against, treated separately, and/or experience loss of status because of a perceived link with a disease.
The current COVID-19 outbreak has provoked social stigma and discriminatory behaviours against people of certain ethnic backgrounds as well as anyone perceived to have been in contact with the virus.
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
First Aid
The primary objective of first aid is to preserve life.
First aid training focuses on providing immediate care to sick or injured patients until full medical help is available.
In the time it takes for more advanced care to arrive, first aid aims to prevent medical conditions from deteriorating, help relieve pain, and provide reassurance.
The importance of first aid is recognised all over the world and its capacity to make a difference cannot be overstated.
To have a competent first aid practitioner present is reassuring to the casualty, as well as to concerned people at the scene.
This first aider is the person most likely to take action and manage an emergency.
First aid makes a significant contribution to an ill or injured person’s recovery and, in an overwhelming number of cases, has been the difference between life and death.
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
Fire fighting
Fire safety training should cover everything from preventing fires and following correct procedure, to how to stay safe and escape in the event of a blaze. Obviously, the best scenario is for your employees to never experience a fire, and this starts with being aware of fire prevention. Educating staff regarding best practices keeps your premises, your business, and everyone inside it safe.
You should have an emergency plan in place to cover what needs to happen in the event of a fire. A training programme can cover how to respond in the event of fire alarms, and where the safety assembly point is. Employees should know not only where they are meant to go, but the safest routes they can take. Make sure everyone knows how to operate exit devices, such as fire doors.
It is beneficial to give people a basic knowledge of operating fire extinguishers and other ways of preventing a blaze from spreading further. Part of the fire safety training will include identifying when it is safe to attempt to tackle flames rather than evacuating. You may wish to select specific employees to receive advanced training on fire-fighting, as well as other emergency tasks such as shutting down dangerous equipment and ensuring everyone has left the premises.
Fire safety training is something that should be continuous in order to keep everyone up to date and safe. Existing staff should be given regular refresher courses so that they don’t forget the information. New members of staff should also be trained. This includes people who have been transferred from another building or site – you don’t want anyone in your business to be without this training.
When something changes that affects the fire safety risks in your building, you need to train your staff to keep them up to date. There could be increased risks, you may change your assembly point or emergency plans, or get new fire-fighting equipment. If something happens in your business that leaves people open to making mistakes due to ignorance, you need to refresh and update their knowledg
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face with live demonstration/ Virtual
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
Mock drill
The ultimate goal of mock drill is to test and improve entire capability of an organization/ community by means of strengthening the relevant policies, plans and protocols. Preparing and practicing on particular roles and responsibilities will give save number of lives, assets and surroundings. Organization that create and constantly maintain feasible and practical exercises mostly prepared to face such events.
Mock drill exercises developed should be flexible and planned in accordance with the needs of concerned organization. Mock drills conducted are not solutions for crisis but an efficient approach towards implementing important priorities that would lead to innovative solutions.’
Necessity of mock drill training:
• To make people aware of hazards around them
• Ways to handle hazardous substances
• Inculcate preparedness among common public
• Know the value of resources belongs to various departments
• Examine SOPs and plans of industries
• Enhance resource capabilities
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face with live demonstration/ Virtual
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
Structural erection safety
The new rule outlines procedures for several practices that were not addressed in the previous standard. It establishes procedures for multiple rigged lifts, detailed requirements for daily crane inspections, rigging inspections, rigger qualifications and connecting methods. The most notable change is that it establishes a height of 15 feet as the new action level for fall protection.
The specific training that must be given to employees who are exposed to falls, as well as special training programs for multiple rigged lifts, connectors and employees who are involved in mechanical erection work.
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face training with live demonstration/ Virtual
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
Crane operator and rigging safety
Rigging and slinging, sometimes also referred to as hoisting, is an important step in the manoeuvring of heavy objects in many workplaces. It is most common to see rigging done on construction sites, or out at sea on cargo ships. Sometimes it is impossible to move an object through other means, so it becomes necessary to employ the services of a rigger. While this can be done on land or while out at sea, it is essential that whoever is undertaking the task of rigging and slinging knows how to do so safely, so that they are not put at risk, and so that those around them are not exposed to danger. Safe rigging is important because there are many variables that are at play while a rigger attempts to hoist a large object. Rigging is not a task that should be completed in a hurry. It requires knowledge, mathematical precision, and determination.
While it is necessary to do hands-on rigging and slinging training, it can be very beneficial to educate yourself through other means. As mentioned earlier, being an experienced rigger can be very important when it comes to managing safety on a worksite. However, this experience can only come with time and exposure. The best way to ensure that you keep yourself and others safe when starting out is to increase that exposure in any way possible.
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
Climate Change: From learning to action
Think, Learn, Act Climate!
The course helps you understand what climate change is, how it affects you and others, and what can be done to address it. After completing the course, participants will be able to answer the following:
• What is climate change?
• How do we adapt to the negative impacts of climate change?
• What opportunities exist for a low carbon future?
• How do we plan and finance climate actions?
• How do climate negotiations work?
Participants will also develop a concrete action plan or project to tackle climate change!
Duration: Half day/Full day
Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual
Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
Indicators for inclusive green economy
The training explores the conceptual underpinning of the GEP Measurement Framework and how it contributes to the “beyond GDP” measurement agenda. Firstly, it explains how progress (or regress) on a single indicator can be measured and how these indicators can be combined into the GEP Index with its weighting system. Secondly, it describes how to measure progress on a Dashboard of Sustainability and how to combine this information with the GEP Index to create a system for ranking countries that is informative to policymakers.
After completing the course, participants will be able to:
• Illustrate the concepts, methodology and application of the GEP Measurement Framework
• Select indicators for a customized country application and interpret relevant results
• Explain how countries’ progress can be compared in a global application of the GEP Measurement Framework
• Duration: Half day/Full day
• Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual
• Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
Waste Management:
If your business wants to improve the way that it handles its waste then you can benefit from waste management training.
Taking a course in managing or minimising waste can help you identify ways to improve your existing practices. Training can inform and motivate your staff, which in turn can help boost the overall efficiency of your business.
There are a range of basic courses that can help you and your employees to handle waste more effectively. Professional qualifications are offered by many organisations and cover some of the following topics:
• handling hazardous waste (following health and safety guidelines, keeping dangerous waste secure)
• collecting waste (storing it safely, sorting it for recycling)
• implementing environmental management systems (improving your overall processes in order to reduce waste and lessen your environmental impact)
Courses covering these topics range from short one or two-day seminars aimed at beginner businesses that are hoping to improve their production processes and reduce waste, to more in-depth tuition designed for firms planning to specialise in aspects of waste disposal and recycling
Decarbonisation of process
‘Decarbonisation’ tends to refer to the process of reducing ‘carbon intensity’, lowering the amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced by the burning of fossil fuels. Generally, this involves decreasing CO2 output per unit of electricity generated. Reducing the amount of carbon dioxide occurring as a result of transport and power generation is essential to meet global temperature standards set by the Paris Agreement and UK government.
Following the prioritisation of decarbonisation outlined in the Paris Agreement, the UK government committed to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. After Parliament’s declaration of a climate emergency, the Committee on Climate Change recommended that achieving this net zero was not only feasible but also necessary and cost-effective. Rapid decarbonisation is becoming more necessary as the transport sector becomes electrified, increasing the demand for electric power. Greater energy efficiency is therefore becoming a priority to meet emission targets and improve air quality and global temperature.
Our training programme will help you to make strategies to minimize your carbon footprint and helps your organization to comply with Paris agreement.
• Duration: Half day/Full day
• Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual
• Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
UN sustainable goals for corporates
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”.[1] The SDGs were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly (UN-GA) and are intended to be achieved by 2030. They are included in a UN-GA Resolution called the 2030 Agenda or what is colloquially known as Agenda 2030.[2] The SDGs were developed in the Post-2015 Development Agenda as the future global development framework to succeed the Millennium Development Goals which ended in 2015.
The 17 SDGs are: (1) No Poverty, (2) Zero Hunger, (3) Good Health and Well-being, (4) Quality Education, (5) Gender Equality, (6) Clean Water and Sanitation, (7) Affordable and Clean Energy, (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth, (9) Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, (10) Reduced Inequality, (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities, (12) Responsible Consumption and Production, (13) Climate Action, (14) Life Below Water, (15) Life On Land, (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions, (17) Partnerships for the Goals.
Our training programs throw lights on how your organization may meet the SDG set by united nation.
• Duration: Half day/Full day
• Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual
• Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate
• Contact: info@
• Contact Number:
Environment , Social governance (ESG)
Responsible investing has seen a growth in interest from investors in recent years. Investors are increasingly looking for funds that offer environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors, which enhance the value of a fund’s performance. This introductory course reviews the key motivations behind the increased awareness of ESG investing and the risks and challenges this presents.
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that socially conscious investors use to screen potential investments. Environmental criteria consider how a company performs as a steward of nature. Social criteria examine how it manages relationships with employees, suppliers, customers, and the communities where it operates. Governance deals with a company’s leadership, executive pay, audits, internal controls, and shareholder rights.
• Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are an increasingly popular way for investors to evaluate companies in which they might want to invest.
• Many mutual funds, brokerage firms, and robo-advisors now offer products that employ ESG criteria.
• ESG criteria can also help investors avoid companies that might pose a greater financial risk due to their environmental or other practices.
• Duration: Half day/Full day
• Training Mode: Face to Face/ Virtual
• Scope: Training content, Delivery, Awarding Certificate